Even More On JR/RAW, WWE/UFC War Update

Source: PWTorch.com

– While several WWE employees – upon hearing the UFC rating – laughed at the extent to which WWE “won the war,” virtually all MMA and TV insiders feel that the 1.6 rating for “Ultimate Fight Night,” which was at the high-end of most estimates, is a very promising mark for the company. Even though it was billed as a “Monday Night War,” no one actually believed UFC would score WWE-esque numbers.

In another interesting note, during seven of the eight quarter hours in the 9-11PM time period, there appeared to be channel-flipping between WWE and UFC. The two opened the 9PM hour at 5.0 and 1.4, respectively, and by the end of the hour, the marks were 4.5 and 1.7 (this pattern continued through the 10PM hour). Although the conversion was not perfect, it does show that there are many fans interested in both MMA and pro wrestling.

– Although there are some rumors suggesting Vince McMahon was upset with Jim Ross’ decision to relocate from Stamford, CT to Oklahoma, the word from backstage is that WWE does intend to spin his expected move from WWE RAW to WWE.com into a positive. If Ross is the talent “fired” by McMahon this Monday, it will obviously complicate WWE’s ability to put over Ross’ new gig, but the general belief is that WWE will not make the switch look like the demotion that, by all accounts, it is.