WWE to Release Special ECW Magazine, Lex Luger Update, More

Thanks to Ramirezi for the following:

On page 114 of May’s issue of Stuff magazine, there is a feature with Larry Pfohl aka Lex Luger as a bad date. It discusses how in 2003 he was busted for allegedly punching Miss Elizabeth. It also mentions her death and under defense it says “She started gurgling. I don’t know why.” and under Punishment it says “He’s still free-but he doesn’t have Elizabeth to kick around anymore.”

Thanks to Steve Szyndrowski for the following:

I just received the May 2005 SmackDown magazine. Inside, there is an article by Nunzio, Little Guido in ECW, in which he states that “…when I learned about the ECW reunion show, I became much exited. … The ECW reunion show is going to be awesome. I’m going to see a bunch of guys I haven’t seen in a long time, and best of all, it’s being held in the Hammerstein Ballroom. … So for me, this ECW One Night Only Pay-Per-View is like a final chapter to my ECW career.”

At the end of the article, there is a side note, “Editors Note: ECW fans, be sure to pick up the ECW special magazine, on sale at newsstands everywhere on May 31.” This is the first main stream confirmation of the ECW PPV being a go.