More On Major Backstage Heat In TNA; The Next WCW?

– To add on a story we had up earlier on the site concerning James Storm of America’s Most Wanted, many TNA workers felt he made a “locker room sin” by blowing off a finish Shane Douglas talked about when discussing the Last Team Standing Match between AMW and Triple X at Victory Road earlier this month. Sources close to the situation said Storm lost his temper after finding out he was going to be the first person eliminated from the match.

It should be noted that Storm’s partner in America’s Most Wanted, Chris Harris, is reportedly losing his patience and is not appreciating the heat he is getting from some of the mistakes Storm has made. Given the stipulation added to the upcoming Six Sides of Steel Cage Match at Turning Point between AMW and Triple X where the losers would have to split up forever, many wrestlers were under the impression at first that it would be Triple X losing. However, given the recent incidents that have gone down backstage, many have started to rethink that prediction.

To make matters even worse for Storm, he recently ordered Shark Boy to stay away from one of his female friends backstage at a recent Impact taping. The word making the rounds is that Storm threatened Shark Boy, which eventually backfired on him as a number of TNA workers made it clear that they would step in on behalf of Shark Boy if anything would go down. (Make sure to read the BG James story posted earlier as it all relates back to this. James directly told AMW that they were not liked backstage and to watch themselves.)

– As we’ve reported several times, some TNA workers are becoming frustrated with the company. One wrestler has been heard saying “This place has turned into WCW all over again, except it’s Hall, Nash, and Jeff instead of Hall, Nash, and Hogan”.