Reader Emails: Fans Respond to Andy Winning Tough Enough

The following are several WZ reader emails, chiming in on the decision to have Andy Leavine win season one of WWE Tough Enough. If you want to send in your thoughts, please do so by emailing me at

Benjamin Ansin sent in the following:

I was very surprised to see him [Andy] in the final two over Jeremiah (who should have won TE), and pretty much dumb struck to see him win it. Unlike Booker T, who claims Andy has the "it"-factor, I thought he came across as bland and rather douchy on the show. He never stood out. They always show him running out of the corner with a big kick. That seems to be the one thing he can do well. On the stick he wasn’t convincing at all. And his whole holier-than-thou "no party, I’m here to work"-attitude was annoying as well. Larger-than-life-personality that ain’t.

I do not expect him to achieve anything of note in the WWE. Then again I used to say the same thing about John Morrison and (especially) the Miz. I’m far from an expert. But I just don’t see it.

Marc Thomas sent in the following:

If Martin couldn’t have won Andy was the next best choice. Also, I would rather have him go down to FCW learn some stuff and then come up, instead of being the "Tough Enough" flavor of the month. I will only be pissed if they pull a [Daniel] Puder and have him on 1 show then get rid of him. He won Tough Enough when he’s ready to come up he better have a tiny run.

An anonymous reader sent in the following:

I think they should have had Luke win. In my opinion he could be ready for TV sooner than Andy. Luke also has the heel character locked up.