WWE RAW Results (7/25) – New WWE Champion, First Title Defense, Three Huge Returns!

Triple H comes out to make a statement and a major announcement, and he says he has something to say before they start. He says he wants to acknowledge his job and all of the millions of fans that they have, and it is because of one man. He says it is thanks to Vince McMahon, and he wants to thank him from the bottom of his heart. Now that is over, so he wants to talk about the future, and congratulates Rey Mysterio for winning the championship. He says since he is running things, he will do it a little differently, and there will be a second Championship match tonight. HHH talked to both guys, and they agree it needs to happen since the challenger was cheated, and Rey vs John Cena will happen tonight!

HHH teases the crowd and says he listened, and signed someone back to RAW, and they chant for CM Punk, but go nuts when they find out that it is Jim Ross! Cole hates it and JR goes to the ring and shakes HHH's hand, then says hello to King and gets ignored by Cole. The fans chant you suck at Cole, and he takes off his headset and gets on the announcer's table with a microphone. He says no disrespect to HHH, but JR isn't the future and Cole has done everything they asked of him, but he refuses to work with JR. Cole mocks JR and says he is only back because his restaurants closed and he wants to kiss HHH's ass now.

HHH asked if he is done, and says he expected him to act like that, but he didn't fire him, so if he wants to leave then it's on him. HHH tells him if he leaves then he is in breach of contract and he will give him the night off from commentary to think about it. He says if he shows up Friday to Smackdown then he knows he wants his job, and Cole says he won't quit and he will just do his job. HHH tells him not to sit down because he has a match, since he said he is off of commentary but he doesn't have the night off. Cole says he is retired but HHH tells him to get to the trainer's room and get his gear because his match is up next.

R-Truth comes out while Cole leaves and he says HHH was always part of the conspiracy, but he likes what he sees, and asks what HHH can do for him. He wants to know what he can do to make it right with Truth, and HHH mocks him for talking to himself. Truth gets pissed off at him and says HHH is the game, but he isn't playing and leaves the ring. HHH tells him to wait and says he signed another guy, and he wants a piece of Truth. John Morrison comes out and they fight down the ramp and into the ring where Morrison takes Truth down and knocks him out with Starship Pain.