Fomer WWE Creative Member Tweets on Punk vs HHH Plans

Former WWE creative team member Seth Mates has been Tweeting today, offering his thoughts on how the CM Punk vs Triple H feud might play out on TV. The Tweets read from the bottom of the page and move upwards.

Seth Mates

"But HHH already got his win.

Seth Mates
Or, baby'll rise above the BS and the return match will be huge $. That's the carrot he dangles. Rarely happens. He knows that.

Seth Mates

The goal, ultimately, is to make the up-and-coming baby look inept and never get the win back.
Seth Mates
The faction formation gives you some stuff to work with in the longterm – babyface build is all about the "thrill of the chase," after all.
Seth Mates
The quote we heard a time or two, if I'm not mistaken, is "I really want to make this kid."
Seth Mates
… way when Punk finally wins.

Seth Mates

(2) Uses Nash's ineptitude to slowly undermine Punk and casually throws out that maybe HHH should go over. Says it'll mean more that …
Seth Mates
(1) Nash unable to wrestle. HHH casually suggests he take his place, knowing working with Punk good for him. Says he'll put Punk over.
Seth Mates
The problem is, this is HHH we're dealing with, so here's how I imagine it really happened and will happen. This is all speculation.
Seth Mates
… throws everything but the kitchen sink at babyface. (3) Babyface finally gets come-uppance at WrestleMania.
Seth Mates
So here's the formula for what WWE is doing right now: (1) Give you big match with heel (HHH) going over. (2) Heel forms faction and …"