WWE Supershow Results (9/17): Youngstown: 2 Del Rio Bouts

Alberto Del RioResults Courtesy of PWInsider.com:

9/17 WWE Supershow Results from Youngstown, Ohio:
1. Tag Team Title Match: Air Boom (Evan Bourne and Kofi Kingston) beat The Miz and R-Truth when Evan Bourne hit Air Bourne on R-Truth.
2. US Championship Match: Dolph Ziggler beat Alex Riley with the Zig Zag.
3. Sin Cara beat Heath Slater with a Swanton. Sin Cara worked as a face.
4. Mason Ryan beat Primo.
5. Intercontinental Championship Match: Cody Rhodes beat Ted DiBiase after he took off his mask and hit Ted with it.
6. WWE Championship Match: Alberto Del Rio vs. CM Punk, the winner will face John Cena later in the show. Alberto Del Rio beat Punk with a roll up after a distraction from Ricardo Rodriguez.
7. Divas Championship Match: Kelly Kelly beat Beth Pheonix with a roll up.
8. Sheamus and Daniel Bryan beat Mark Henry and Christian when Sheamus hit the Brogue kick on Christian.
9. WWE Championship Match: John Cena beat Alberto Del Rio by DQ when Ricardo Rodriguez hit Cena with a chair. Del Rio and Rodriguez worked over Cena until CM Punk made the save. Punk and Cena hit their finishers on Del Rio and Rodriguez to end the show.