Chair Shot Reality Survivor Series Pre-Party In NYC

I am proud to announce the official Chair Shot Reality/Wrestlezone Survivor Series pre-party on 11/20 in New York City at the Galway Hooker bar located on 7 East 36th Street, between 5th and Madison avenue.


We encourage everyone to be there by 3pm! There will be specials for those attending the CSR/WZ party. Details on those specials will be released when we get closer to the event. When you enter the bar, tell them you are there for the Chair Shot Reality party and you will be directed to the private area where the party will be taking place.

In an effort to have a good idea on at least a minimum of how many people are attending, please email and give your name along with how many people (including yourself) will be in your party.

The CSR crew, WZ reporter Nick Paglino and possibly some special guests all in attendance.

Check out the Galway Hooker's official website and the official Facebook page!

We look forward to seeing you and don't forget to continue checking out Chair Shot Reality here on Wrestlezone!