WWE Pulls “Turkey” Article, Backstage Sin Cara Update

Sin CaraWWE Pulls "Turkey" Article

Following many fan complaints as well as YouTube and Twitter complaints from Vito Lograsso and Nick Cvjetkovich (Kizarny), WWE.com has pulled the biggest "Turkeys" list that it ran on Thanksgiving last week.

Backstage Sin Cara Update

F4WOnline.com is reporting that Vince McMahon is not as down on Sin Cara as most would think following his injury which took place at Survivor Series. Company officials pointed out to McMahon that accidents happen, and even cited McMahon's own quad injury which took place at the 2005 Royal Rumble.

Having said that, company officials were disappointed that Sin Cara suffered the injury, as WWE was planning to release a slew of Sin Cara merchandise, not to mention had been planning some type of Rey Mysterio vs Sin Cara at WrestleMania. WWE was hoping to set a Guiness Book world record for most Lucha Libre masks in one ring at one time.