Impact Wrestling Results (12/8) – Final Resolution Draws Near, Hardy/Styles vs Jarrett/Roode in Main Event Tag Match

James Storm comes out and says he is not the guy who backs down from a challenge, so if Kurt Angle has something to say to him then he should come to the ring and say it to his face. Kurt comes out and tells Storm he needs to give him credit for being stupid, or one of the toughest guys there is. He says he hit Storm so hard he thought he put him out for months, but he won't screw up again this Sunday. Kurt says he is not going to be surprised like when Sting forced him to defend his title against Storm, then Storm says Kurt is intimidating because he lays it all out.

Storm says he has looked death in the face so many times that Kurt is nothing compared to it, and he isn't scared of anything so Kurt can tell him whatever he wants. The last time they met Storm knocked him out and beat him, but this time he is going to crush his head like a beer can and knock him out again. Storm says he is going to turn around and let Kurt have his shot, then waits for Kurt to hit him but turns back around and says that's what he thought would happen. He tells Kurt it's going to get real, damn real and leaves the ring then walks up the ramp and stares Kurt down the whole time.

Traci Brooks vs Gail Kim

Gail tells Traci to lay down and she gets down and makes the cover, but Traci kicks out at two then sweeps her legs and slams her head off the mat. Traci hits some clotheslines and a corner spear, then rams her shoulder into Gail's stomach and throws her head into the turnbuckle and gets a near fall. She kicks Gail in the stomach then hits a clothesline and follows it with a spear as Karen Jarrett runs down to the ring. She screams at Traci to listen to her but Traci chokes her until Madison runs in and hits her with her title, and Gail rolls over and gets the pin.

Winner – Gail Kim