Heyman Posts New Sapolsky Blog; Last Arena Show, Guerrero

Former ECW and WWE personality Paul Heyman has posted Gabe Sapolsky's new blog over on The Heyman Hustle, which looks at the importance of tomorrow's final ECW Arena show. You can check it out at: http://www.heymanhustle.com/articles/news/23-news/167468-ecw-arena

Additionally, the following is a link to an article Sapolsky wrote on his 10 year anniversary of booking shows, including a surprising story about Eddie Guerrero from the very first ROH show. Plus, there's an EVOLVE 10 preview: http://myemail.constantcontact.com/WWNLive-Magazine–9–EVOLVE-10-Preview–10-Years-Starts-With-Eddie-Guerrero–More-.html?soid=1103872774606&aid=odVFwsCiYm0