Impact Wrestling Results (2/16) – New #1 Contenders For Knockouts and World Title, NY Giant Makes An Impact

Roode tries to whip him into the steps, but Hardy reverses it and throws Roode into the steps, then pulls the steps out and uses them to hit Poetry In Motion on the guardrail. Hardy suplexes Roode and gets a two count, then Roode ducks Hardy and throws him out to the floor and tries to hit a piledriver. Hardy counters and backdrops him onto the ramp, then he punches Roode and throws him off the ramp before hitting a diving clothesline near the stands. Hardy whips him into the guardrail a calls for a Twist of Fate, but Roode throws him towards the stage then misses a spear. Both guys are slow to get up, but Hardy throws him into the side of the ramp and pulls him towards the ring. Kurt Angle runs out and attacks him from behind, then he throws him into the steps and Roode spears him to retain.

Winner – Bobby Roode

Bobby Roode is backstage bragging about winning his match, but Sting comes up to him and says they aren't done yet because he is going to defend his title again. He says he has two guys who are dying to get their hands on him, and they will have a number one contender's match to see who gets the next shot. Sting goes and finds James Storm and Bully Ray and asks them if they are up for the match, and Bully says the match shouldn't happen because he already won. Storm says he already won the title, and tells Bully he will kick him right in the face, then Sting says it looks like they have a date. Elsewhere, Eric Young is playing a guitar and starts rambling about how he forgot to get ODB a Valentine's gift, then he says wrote her a song that will win her back.

Austin Aries & Zema Ion vs Alex Shelley & Shannon Moore

Aries shoulder blocks Moore then dropkicks him in the face and lays across the ropes, then Zema tags himself in and gets taken down by Moore. Shelley tags in and hits a elbow drop off the middle rope, then Zema and Aries argue and Moore comes in and whips Zema into Aries. He throws Aries to the floor then baseball slide kicks him and hits a springboard moonsault, but he takes time to taunt him and Zema dropkicks him from behind. Zema tries to springboard back in the ring but Shelley knocks him down, and Moore bodyslams Aries then Shelley tags in and misses a double stomp. He attempts Sliced Bread but Aries reverses it, then Zema blind tags himself in and rolls up Shelley from behind to steal the win.

Winners – Austin Aries & Zema Ion