TNA “Victory Road” PPV Results – March 18, 2012

TNA Tag-Title Match: Crimson & Matt Morgan vs. Samoa Joe & Magnus

Morgan and Magnus start the match off. Before anything happens, Crimson tags himself in. Morgan seems confused. Magnus starts punching Crimson but Crimson sinks in a headlock. Both guys end up trading punches until Magnus tags Joe in. Joe gets a little bit of offense in before tagging Magnus back in. Crimson locks in a cravat and hits a couple of knees to the face before hitting a neckbreaker and pinning Magnus, but Magnus kicks out. Crimson continues to ignore Morgan’s requests for a tag, hitting Magnus with a big suplex that’s good for another near fall. Magnus is finally able to make the tag, but Crimson refuses. Joe comes in and peppers Crimson with punches, but runs into a big boot. Crimson goes for a clothesline from the second rope, but Joe walks away, then hits a snap slam for two. Joe whips Crimson across the ring, but Morgan tosses him out of the way before he can splash him. Morgan tags himself in and goes to town on the champs, hitting Magnus with a huge side slam. Crimson tags himself back into the match, but then Morgan tags himself back in. Morgan and Crimson bicker before Crimson ultimately walks out to the ramp. Morgan turns around into an atomic drop/big boot/senton. Joe goes for the pin but only gets two. Crimson talks trash to Morgan, so Morgan flips him off and says he doesn’t need him. Morgan tries to fight off the opposition, hitting them with a double clothesline, but he turns around and eats a spear from Crimson. Crimson smirks and calls himself a winner. Joe hits a corner kick, followed by a snapmare which sets up Morgan for the elbow drop from Magnus. Magnus pins Morgan for the victory.

Winners and STILL Tag Team Champions: Samoa Joe & Magnus

Backstage: Jeremy Borash With Bobby Roode & James Storm

Backstage, Jeremy Borash is with Bobby Roode. Borash apologizes for Bischoff. He has another Twitter question. This one asks Roode on his plans on beating Sting tonight and how he plans on getting inside Storm’s head. Roode says the talking and mind games are over. Sting made his bed, and now he has to lie in it. Roode says he’ll end Sting’s career tonight. He says Storm has never beaten him once. Storm interupts him as he continues to talk. The two stare each other down. Storm says they have a title match at Lockdown, but he’s not looking for a match, right now he’s looking for a fight. Right now. Storm calls Roode a chump. Roode smiles and walks away. Storm walks off as well.

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