Impact Wrestling Results (3/22) – Three Title Defenses, Sting Steps Down As GM, Who Does He Ask To Replace Him?

Hernandez and Anarchia chase Josh outside and tell him to stop, but he says they had a great opportunity and they lost their match. He tells the tow truck operator to take off and Anarchia gets pissed and takes a swing at him. Josh avoids the punch and spins him around and shoves him, then tells the women they should come with him. He says they don't have a car or money, and they both shrug their shoulders and leave while Hernandez and Anarchia yell about losing everything.

Handicap Match

James Storm vs Christopher Daniels & Kazarian

Daniels runs out behind Storm and tries to attack him during his entrance, but Storm hiptosses him on the ramp and throws Kaz into the ring steps. He gets in the ring and hits a few clotheslines, then Daniels begs him off but Storm unloads on him in the corner until Kaz makes the save. Daniels and Kaz take turns punching Storm in the corner, then Storm makes a brief comeback before getting overwhelmed in the corner. Daniels continues to hit him and smashes his head off the turnbuckle, then Kaz punches him in the back and chokes him on the middle rope. Kaz argues with Daniels about their strategy, then Kaz whips Daniels into the corner but Storm moves out of the way and Daniels hits the ringpost. Storm sees Kaz running at him and hits him with a Last Call, then he turns around and hits Daniels with a Last Call and makes the cover. 

Winner – James Storm

Sting comes back out to the ring and says he wants to finish what they started, and he asks Dixie Carter to come back out to the ring. Sting tells her that Hulk Hogan is a different guy since he cut Eric Bischoff out of his life, and she needs to trust him. Dixie says she does trust him and they need to do the right thing, then Sting calls Hulk out to the ring. Sting says it is obvious that people believe in him again, and he thinks Hogan should listen to the fans, then they start a 'Hogan' chant as Impact ends.

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