WWE Smackdown Results (5/4) Damien Sandow “Debuts”, Bryan/Sheamus Rematch

Brodus Clay vs Jack Swagger (w/ Vickie Guerrero & Dolph Ziggler)

Brodus slams Swagger down then hits a running headbutt, but Dolph jumps on the apron and Swagger takes his legs out. Brodus rolls outside and Dolph jumps at him over the steps, but Brodus meets him with a headbutt. He rolls in and gets hit a few times, then Brodus hits a fallaway slam and sets up for a Funk It splash. Swagger rolls outside and backs up the ramp with Vickie and gets counted out, then Brodus dances with some fans while they all talk trash from the ramp.

Winner (by countout) – Brodus Clay

Daniel Bryan and Alberto Del Rio are shown arguing in the back in front of Eve, and they both say why they should face Sheamus again. Bryan says he would have beaten Sheamus if Alberto didn't interfere, then he demands to have the match restarted tonight so he can finish things. Eve snaps at him and he says won't demand anything from her, and she will make a decision after she talks to the trainers, so they should get out of the office. 

Derrick Bateman vs Ryback

Damien Sandow comes out for his debut match against Derrick Bateman, and he says he is there to save them but he can't engage in battle with Bateman. He says they can't learn or benefit if he faces him, because Bateman is no better than any of them and he won't compete tonight. He thanks them for their time and leaves, but Bateman says he earned a Smackdown match on NXT, so he doesn't care who it is but he wants a match tonight. Ryback comes out and Bateman punches him a few times, but Ryback kicks him in the face and slams his head off the mat. He gorilla press slams him and hits a lariat, then hits a Muscle Buster for the win.

Winner – Ryback