Report: Sean Waltman Update, 1,000th Raw Latest, More

Author's Note: As I was about to click "Submit" on the original story I had written, I got a phone call from Sean Waltman. He has given me permission to use the following quotes as his direct response to the allegations made against him, given to me by two different sources. The phone call with Sean took place "after" my call-in to Justin LaBar's live radio show today where I first broke this story.

I was told by two sources in the past two days that Waltman is viewed as a serious liability by WWE management for a variety of reasons, and thus, his chances of being used on WWE's 1,000th episode of Raw in two weeks are "slim to none". WWE's promotion last night of a DX reunion in St. Louis simply added fuel to the already-existing fire regarding the possibilities of a potential New Age Outlaws and/or Sean Waltman TV return.

On June 19th, 2012, Sean Waltman tweeted the following (@TheRealXPac): "For the record I have not been approached about the 1000th Raw. Maybe you should ask them."

When asked today on whether or not he's been contacted about appearing on Raw July 23rd since tweeting that comment, Waltman told me, "I guess not, according to your sources".

One source told me that Waltman was recently asked to leave Full Sail University — the new host of WWE's NXT tapings – when he showed up uninvited and began giving unsolicited advice to the young stars in attendance.

"He was browbeating the talent," the source explained, "and you just can't show up without an invitation and do that crap".

It's always been a common occurrence for past stars to attend local WWE events when they are in the area, whether it's to visit friends or give advice to developmental talent. I was told that this particular incident with Waltman, however, has now caused WWE to start denying other former stars access to these events without permission in advance.

Yet, Waltman said there has always been a "guest list" made for those tapings, and this particular time, he simply wasn't on the list. Rather than wait around for it to get situated, Waltman left without entering the building. As far as "browbeating the talent" goes, Waltman vehemently denied the allegation.

"That's bullsh*t," Waltman responded, "wrestlers come to me and ask that I help them; I don't go to them."

Waltman also said that he was on the guest list the previous taping and attended the entire event with no problem. Plus, he's frequented Florida Championship Wrestling numerous times in the past year or more without any problems as a result.

One other source told me that Waltman's actions during WrestleMania weekend this year in Miami adds to the reason why WWE is distancing themselves from the former DX member. While it's common knowledge to most of those that know Waltman personally, he often sleeps in the nude. I was told earlier today that during his stay in Miami, Sean locked himself out of his own hotel room twice in one night, completely naked, and had to be escorted back by hotel staff and security.

Waltman's response to this particular incident: "The naked part happened 15 years ago, and it was a funny story. This year [in Miami], I got locked out of my room, but I wasn't naked."

Waltman also added to me that he tweeted about getting locked out of his room "this" year in Miami the very next day, but the incident where he was naked and this one are two entirely separate events.

I'll leave all of this up to you to form your own opinion. While there seems to be at least "some" truth to the information given to me, the actual facts behind all of this will likely never be known. And whether or not any of the aforementioned allegations will keep Waltman off the upcoming mega-event in St. Louis, or any future WWE event for that matter, remains to be seen.

Regardless, nothing surprises me in pro wrestling anymore.

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