Updates: Y2J’s Post-SSlam WWE Status, Bourne’s In-Ring Return

Chris JerichoY2J's Post-SSlam WWE Status

While advertisements continue to change Chris Jericho's post-SummerSlam status, at this point Y2J is not being advertised for any WWE events after the summer PPV.

Bourne's In-Ring Return

Currently injured WWE star Evan Bourne has posted the following update on Twitter:

Another follow up appt with my surgeon today. The foot is healing properly and I'm scheduled for another month of PT at 3 sessions a week. With that good news in mind, I'm still very disappointed I can't be in St. Louis for #raw1000 But I'll keep working until I'm back on RAW!

As we previously reported, Bourne is set to appear at an FCW event in Melbourne, FL on August 2nd, but it has yet to be announced whether or not he'll be working in a wrestling capacity.