Impact Wrestling Results (9/6) – Tag Team Championship, RVD Eliminated, Aries Gets Aces & Eights & More!

Magnus Strikes!

Back from commercial and Samoa Joe is being interviewed by Christy, but Magnus interrupts. He says he wants to explain why he lost his temper last month. He says together they were good – really good – but Joe ruined it and threw it all the way. Magnus said he was "over it" and was going to be the "bigger man" and walked to the back. Christy tried to finish the interview, but Magnus come back and attacked Joe from behind. 

Tag Team Turmoil? 

Hulk HoganBackstage Hulk Hogan is with a group of tag team guys, including Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez. He asks Robbie E why they should be included in tonight's Championship match, and he simply says "age". He calls Chavo and Hernandez old has-beens. Kid Kash says they're the best pick, and Chavo is the worst because he's weak. AJ Styles walks in and looks to be in a mood. He throws his name into the hat against Kaz and Daniels, but Hulk immediately eliminates him. Styles leaves incredibly pissed off; possibly teasing some sort of heel turn? 

Brooke Hogan is in the back talking to Tara, and let her know that she was going to get another shot at Tessmacher's title tonight. Gail Kim calls Brooke a "joke" because she's pushing aside real talent for "eye candy". This sets up a match between Gail Kim and Tara for later tonight, as we fade out to another commercial. 

Back from commercial, the "official Knockout's ref" Taryn Tarrell is in the ring – looks like her new job has been confirmed. 

Gail Kim vs. Tara

Gail starts things off with a side headlock, but Tara counters out and tries for a wrist lock of her own, but Kim literally kicks out of it and hits a standing dropkick. Gail Kim stretches Tara between the ropes and sends her whole body weight crashing down on her. Tara starts building some momentum though, hitting three clotheslines in a row and quite an impressive delayed standing suplex. Tara crotches her opponent on the top rope, and transfers her into a position for the Widow's Peak, landing it for the three-count!

Winner via pinfall: Tara

We get a video package about Joey Ryan, the failed "Gut Check" star that has been showing up on Impact and harassing the "Gut Check" management. Al Snow is shown walking to the ring as we head to commercial.