WWE RAW Results (10/08) – Larry King Guest Stars, Vince McMahon Challenges CM Punk, Gives Him Ultimatum

CM Punk approaches AJ Lee in her locker room and asks her for a moment, but AJ says she should go away and prepare for his big match. Punk says he's going to break Vince's bones because he's just doing his job, but the board of directors may place blame on her for letting it happen. AJ says he might be scared to face John Cena, but she hopes he's not scared to fight Vince too, and Punk says he's not. Punk says he wants to fight Vince, and whatever he does to him later is on her head, then he smirks at her and leaves the office.

Tyson Kidd vs Antonio Cesaro

Antonio puts Kidd in a hammerlock but Kidd reverses it, then Antonio kicks him on the mat and bends his wrist backwards. Kidd kips up and knocks him down, then he goes for a rollup before Antonio clotheslines him in the corner. Antonio kicks him and stomps him on the apron, then he hits a gutwrench slam and taunts the crowd. Antonio puts him in a facelock but Kidd hits the ropes and dropkicks him, then he goes to the apron but Antonio snaps his head on the ropes. He goes for a clothesline but Kidd ducks and stuns him with a springboard kick, then he kicks him again and goes for a springboard sunset flip. Kidd goes back to the apron and chopblocks Antonio's legs, then he goes for a springboard elbow but Antonio rolls away then hits a Very European uppercut and the Neutralizer for the win.

Winner – Antonio Cesaro

Alberto Del Rio & Dolph Ziggler (w/ Vickie Guerrero) vs Team Hell No

Dolph taunts Bryan after a headlock attempt, then he hits a shoulder block but Bryan comes back with one of his own before mocking Kane and refusing to tag. Alberto comes in and sends Bryan into the corner, and Kane tags himself in and kicks Alberto in the corner and mocks Bryan in the corner. Alberto kicks him in the face and tags out, but Kane drops Dolph with a stiff right hand and follows it with a low dropkick. Dolph rushes him in the corner but Kane throws him outside, and Kane goes after him but Bryan tags himself and stares at Kane. (Cont'd…)