JBL Posts Blog Remembering Eddie Guerrero; Also Offers His Opinion of the CM Punk/Jerry Lawler Raw Segment

“I’ve written a lot about Eddie Guerrero and I never get tired of talking about my friend, this is the 7th anniversary of his passing.

Eddie was a groomsman in my wedding and I did part of his eulogy at his funeral, we were good friends-I really miss Eddie and so wish he were still around. We had so much fun together, and he meant more to my success than anyone.

The JBL character wasn’t working and Eddie and Chavo Sr came up with the idea for the ‘heart attack’ of his mother on Mother’s Day in his hometown of El Paso. I literally had a police escort out of town for my own safety that night, talk about heat.

This angle with CM Punk and Heyman faking a heart attack last night, I loved it-this is something Eddie would have loved also. People get worked up, and it is their choice to be offended by whatever they choose. I thought it was awesome, I just wish JBL could have done it!

Eddie did as much for me personally as he did professionally, he was a truly amazing guy.

The story of Chavo and Eddie getting into a heated argument backstage over the mother angle when Chavo started ribbing Eddie that Mrs Guerrero should take the clothesline was hilarious-it’s just that no one saw it but me.”