12/13 TNA Impact Wrestling Results – King/RVD Rematch, Title Match Announced & More

After a commercial break, Kenny King is backstage and says he came up short at Final Resolution, but he's always been the kind of guy that learns more from his loses. He tells RVD that he's going to knock him square on his ass later tonight. 

(3) James Storm & Jeff Hardy vs. Masked Man & D.O.C.

Storm kicks off this match with DOC, but Jeff Hardy gets the quick tag and the faces double team him in their corner. DOC shakes off Hardy and gets the tag to the masked wrestler, but he gets sent to the outside with a headscissors takedown. DOC goes to help him up, but Hardy dives off the apron and takes them both out as we head to commercial. 

Commercial Break

As we come back, Jeff Hardy is brawling with the masked guy on the outside. The roll into the ring and it appears DOC is the legal man, as is Hardy. The World Champ gets stomped on in the corner as the heels continue to make quick tags and James Storms pumps up the crowd from the apron. Hardy hits a jawbreaker and tries to make the tag, but it's not enough to escape and DOC makes his way in to continue the beating. Off the Irish whip DOC lowers his shoulder but eats a kick to the face from the champ. Again, this isn't enough to make the tag, as DOC scissors Hardy's leg and the masked man makes the tag and stomps away.

Hardy gets thrown into the corner, but comes off with Whisper in the Wind, which pops the live crowd. Hardy almost gets the tag, but somehow DOC cuts that off and in comes the big masked wrestler. Hardy finally gets free and makes the hot tag, who clears the ring of DOC and gets a crossbody off the top rope. He tags back in Hardy and sets him up for Poetry in Motion. The gets  a double suplex on the masked man, but in comes the rest of the Aces & Eights. Storm and Hardy take them all out, so the ref doesn't call for the bell. Storm gets the superkick on DOC as Hardy picks up the win on the masked man with a Twist of Fate. 

Winners: Storm & Hardy

After the match, Devon says the man who paid them off was Austin Aries, but they don't fight other people's business for them. 

Backstage Hulk Hogan is going crazy about Austin Aries. Bobby Roode comes in and screams at him, but they're cut off by a phone call from Austin Aries. Hulk says he's going to let him speak his mind, but he has until the end of the night tonight to do it. Roode is still freaking out, and Hogan tells him to get out of his face because he hasn't figure out what to do with him yet.