*Spoilers:* 3 Weeks of WWE NXT Taping Results; Randy Orton, Damien Sandow, Bo Dallas & More

Episode 3

– Justin Gabriel vs Leo Kruger. Kruger won with his new submission.

William Regal came to the ring to talk about what happened last episode. He apologized for letting his emotions get the best of him. He said that he is going to be 45 soon and was going on 30 years in the business, come August. He spoke about how much he loves his current position of commentator, as he gets to watch the next generation grow. He said that his in ring days were over and asked Ohno to come out so he could apologize to him directly. Ohno did so, and spoke about how him and Punk spent time being mentored by Regal. He started off being thankful for the positive impact Regal had on his career. Ohno talked about how Regal influenced him to the point where he made many tours of Europe to study british wrestling. However, Ohno turned it on Regal and said that now Regal is a joke with no legacy to be proud of. The segment ended with Ohno getting punched in the face when he said "30 years and the only thing people will remember about you is the time you got down on your knees and kissed Vince McM…"

– Bayley vs Paige. Paige won with a Texas Cloverleaf. After the match, Rae came down to ringside. Paige saw her before she could enter the ring, so Rae backed off and left.

– Adrian Neville vs Luke Harper w/ The Wyatt Family. Harper won with a Rolling Lariat. Rowan and Wyatt stopped a Corkscrew SSP attempt, leading to the ending. After the match, Oliver Gray saved Neville from a beatdown, only to get one himself. Bo Dallas then came out and the three of them ran off the Wyatt Family.

The Fink came out to introduce JR and do ring announcing on the last few matches.

WWE Divas Championship match

– Kaitlyn vs Natalya. Kaitlyn won with the Spear. After the match they shook hands and embraced.

– Brodus Clay vs El Local. Clay won with the Call My Momma Splash. After the match they danced and the girls sang Happy Birthday to Clay.

Following a commercial for The Best of WCW Nitro Vol 2, Ohno attacked Regal at the announce booth. Ohno was pulled off Regal and forced to the back by the refs.

– Damien Sandow vs Randy Orton. Orton won with an RKO. Sandow cut a promo while walking to the ring.