WWE Smackdown Results (2/22) – Randy Orton vs Jack Swagger, Wade Barrett vs Alberto Del Rio

WWE SmackdownWWE Smackdown Results

By Bill Pritchard for Wrestlezone.com

February 22nd 2013

Alberto Del Rio comes to the ring and says he retained his title, so that means they (he and Ricardo) are going to Wrestlemania. Alberto says he found out Jack Swagger will be his opponent, and Swagger has a new mission and attitude. He says Swagger thinks he is good for America, but Alberto is everything that’s wrong, and Swagger wants to blame immigrants for all the problems. Alberto says this country was built on immigrants chasing the American dream, and hard work pays off because he is champion for working hard. Alberto calls Swagger a jackass for his way of thinking, then he says if Swagger wants to talk about handouts he’ll slap his hand right across his face.

Instead, Randy Orton comes out and says he’ll try to stay calm, but something was taken from him by Swagger and he’s not happy. He says part of him wants to applaud Swagger because he would have done the same, but he wants a piece of Swagger tonight. Orton asks Alberto to step aside tonight and let him go after Swagger, then he says if they have to fight each other first then that’s the way it is. Booker T comes out and says he didn’t have any of that in his plans, so they will instead see a champion versus champion match. Booker says Alberto will face Wade Barrett, and Orton will face Swagger, so he gets his wish and hopes they can dig that.

Sheamus vs Damien Sandow

Sandow punches Sheamus but Sheamus hits him back and throws him in the corner, then Sandow fires back and shoves him in the corner. Sheamus sweeps his legs and hits him a few times, then Sandow headbutts him and whips Sheamus into the ropes. Sheamus clotheslines Sandow out of the ring, then he throws him into the barricade a few times before rolling him back in the ring. He sends Sandow into the corner after a Battering Ram, but Sandow fights back with some right hands and a kneelift off of the ropes. Sheamus gets pissed and ties him in the ropes, then he clubs him several times before setting up a vertical suplex on the apron.  (Cont'd…)