WWE Smackdown Results (3/29) – The Rock, Big Johnny Returns, Henry/Ryback Benchpress Challenge

WWE SmackdownWWE Smackdown Results

By Bill Pritchard for Wrestlezone.com

March 29th 2013

The Rock comes out and flashes a Hershey bar before talking about how he had story time on RAW last month, and he wants to tell them about another time in his life. He says he lived about an hour away from Hershey in Bethlehem, and he shows a picture of himself at fifteen before talking about Hersheypark. Rock says he had a great time as a kid, but he loves it even more as an adult and he's FIIIIIIINALLY come back to Hershey. Rock tells a story about how he wanted a Whatchamacallit bar but someone else took it, and he threatened an old lady for the candy and the birth of "candy ass" was right here. He says kicking candy asses means beating John Cena at Wrestlemania, and he's going to keep kicking Cena's ass just like on Monday night. 

Rock says he'll keep doing it, and he'll do it in front of the millions… and MILL… John Laurinaitis' music cuts him off and Big Johnny returns and waves to the crowd! Rock asks who in the blue hell he is, but Johnny says it's a trick question because they all know him, and he reminds Rock of his former job titles. Rock says he doesn't care, but Johnny says Teddy Long gave him permission to come out and talk to him, and it won't go badly. Johnny says he created People Power and he was great, but John Cena ruined it all and got him fired, although that's why he's back too. Rock tells him to hurry up or get his ass kicked, so Johnny says he has a business idea for him and he wants to be in Rock's corner at Wrestlemania.

Johnny says Rock could be popular, or he could win, and winning comes at a cost, but Cena has no chance of winning with him in Rock's corner. Johnny compares himself and Rock as a pair to chocolate and peanut butter, but Rock says if Johnny invited People Power, they should include the people. Rock says he's a business man just like Johnny, and he won't get Rock Bottomed, but they should both send John Cena a message. Rock says he wants to shake hands and Johnny obliges, but Rock holds on and smiles before pulling Johnny in and dropping him with a spinebuster. He kicks Johnny into position and hits a People's Elbow, then he says Cena's candy ass is going down again, if you smell what he's cookin.'