WWE Smackdown Results (5/31) – Jericho/Rhodes, Ryback Takes Out Kofi, Ambrose vs Orton

Ryback vs Kofi Kingston

Kofi runs at Ryback and dropkicks him, then he backs him into the corner and punches him a few times before going back to some kicks. Ryback sweeps his legs and throws him on the ground, then Kofi gets away and connects with a springboard missile dropkick for a near fall. Kofi knocks him back down and hits a Boom Drop, then he calls for Trouble In Paradise but Ryback catches him and throws him over his head. Kofi lands on his feet and connects with a crossbody for two, then Ryback blocks a kick and ties his feet in the ropes before slamming his head on the mat.

Ryback backs up and drops him with a Meathook, then he calls for the end and drops him with Shell Shocked for the win. Ryback gets a table and powerbombs Kofi through it, then he goes and gets another one and sets it up in the ring. He picks Kofi up and powerbombs him through it, but he still isn't done and gets a third one from under the ring and sets it up in the ring. Ryback powerbombs Kofi again, then he heads to the back as referees and trainers run out and check on Kofi's condition. 

Winner – Ryback

Chris Jericho vs Cody Rhodes

Jericho applies a waistlock but Cody breaks it and hits the ropes, only to have Jericho clothesline him out of the ring and follow up with a baseball slide kick. Jericho throws Cody into the barricade and rolls him in, then Cody knees him in the stomach and suplexes him on the ropes. Cody elbows him in the back of the head and stomps him a few times, then he punches him a few times before backing him into the ropes and kneeing him in the stomach. Jericho tries to run at him in the corner but Cody avoids it and kicks him in the stomach, then he puts Jericho in a seated hammerlock and transitions to a chinlock. (Cont'd…)