2013 TNA Slammiversary Results – Three Championships Change Hands, Sting’s Fate Decided & More!

TNA Slammiversary

Boston, Massachusetts

June 2, 2013

The opening video package focuses on the path of destruction caused by the Aces & Eights, and World Heavyweight Champion Bully Ray pulling all the strings. 

The champion bails from the ring as soon as the bell rings, but Sabin and Suicide exit the ring to surround him, forcing King back into the ring to take his lumps from both challengers. Suicide lands a double team maneuver, arm dragging the champ across the ring while tossing Sabin with a head-scissors take down. King with a high impact cradle suplex, and Taz takes credit for the move. 

Suicide uses King to try and reach the title, but realizes it’s not going to work and throws the champ with a hurricanrana. Sabin comes off the second rope, kicking off Suicide’s chest and plants King with a huge tilt-a-whirl DDT, and the champion can’t find any momentum. Sabin is now in total control, and stacks up both guys in the center of the ring, before starting to climb the structure. Suicide gets up first, knocking Sabin to the floor and fighting his way up with Kenny King. The champ does a back flip off the top rope, and nails the challenger with an impressive kick to the head. 

All three men are back to their feet, and King locks Sabin in a half crab. Suicide hits the ring and puts King in a standing crossface, until Kenny is forced to break his hold to release the pressure on him. Suicide takes advantage of his moment to start climbing the ropes, but King knocks him down and puts the boots to him in the corner. King now tries to climb, but Sabin grabs him and comes down with a cradle suplex. Suicide with an electric chair drop on Sabin, followed up by a nice standing leg drop from the champ. Non-stop action in this match thus far.