WWE Smackdown Results (6/7/) – Jericho vs Axel, Ziggler Announces Return, Can Bryan Coexist With A New Partner?

Sheamus says he can beat the computer in one move, then Sandow mocks him and says he'll embarrass himself just like he's done the past few weeks. Sheamus says Sandow is the one who is embarrassed, and he just wants one move to try, so Sandow moves aside and lets him try. Sandow mocks him and tells him to give up, but Sheamus scratches his head and says Sandow just gave him an idea on how to beat the game. Sheamus backs up and Brogue Kicks the screen, then Sandow flips out but Sheamus tips the table and asks if he wants to fight. Sandow jumps him and hits him with the microphone, then he throws him headfirst into the table and repeatedly slams him into it before kicking him in the face.

Daniel Bryan is shown getting ready when Randy Orton comes in and asks if he saw Kane head to the trainer's room, but Bryan says it's not his problem. He says he didn't asks Kane to defend him, then Orton tries to talk about their match tonight when Bryan tells him to stay away from him. Orton says he can see this is going to be a problem so he'll make this quick, and says he doesn't like partner and he doesn't like Bryan as he leaves.

Fandango (w/ Summer Rae) vs Zack Ryder

Fandango punches Zack in the head a few times and hits a shoulder tackle, then he kicks him in the head before dropping him with an uppercut. Fandango taunts Miz (at commentary) before kicking Zack, but Zack comes back with a facebuster and a knee strike out of the corner. Zack hits a missile dropkick and a Broski Boot, then he sets up for a Rough Ryder but Fandango counters with a powerbomb and a diving leg drop for the win.

Winner – Fandango