Onsite Fan Reaction to SummerSlam, Crowd Notes & More, Watch Ambrose vs RVD Kickoff Match (Video)

Onsite Fan Reaction to SummerSlam, Crowd Notes & More

Thanks to Shaun Karim for sending in the following:

Last night was my third time attending SummerSlam in as many consecutive years.  The crowd was majorly hot for the double main events.  Lots of cheers for Lesnar, which surprised me a bit since CM Punk got arguably the biggest face pop of the night.  Match of the Year candidate.  My wife hated Lesnar prior to last night, but he won her over with his professionalism and greatness.

The Bryan/Cena match picked up after the first 10 minutes and my entire section was standing for basically the remainder of the match.  When Bryan won, it was deafening.  My wife and I were sitting next to the cannons that were shooting the confetti, so I kind of had a inkling that Bryan was going over when I spotted them as we found our seats.  When Randy cashed in, the entire arena came unglued.  I've never seen such a reaction of hatred mixed with surprised cheers, simultaneously.  After the show went off the air, Bryan started a "NO!" chant, followed by the fans starting their own "Bullsh*t" chant, which Bryan acknowledged.

The rest of the card was appropriate, although I did go for a restroom break during the Total Divas match.  Overall, I think this was the best PPV of the year and am so looking forward to Raw tonight.

Dean Ambrose vs RVD Kickoff Match

The following video features Dean Ambrose vs RVD for the US Title from last night's SummerSlam Kickoff pre-show: