Brooke Tessmacher Blog On Breaking Her Jaw, Adam Pearce Retirement Match

Brooke Tessmacher BlogBrooke Tessmacher Blog

There's a new Brooke Tessmacher blog posted on TNA's website. She talks about breaking her jaw back in 2010. Here's a quick excerpt from the blog: 

"For as long as I can remember, Smiles have always been important to me.  Perhaps it was because my mother has always had such a beautiful smile.  From an early age I loved how my mother’s smile could light up my day. As a child I had to go through having braces twice!  Every time they would tighten the braces to move my teeth a little more, I would be sore for days.  With all that sharp metal and poking wires on sensitive gums; it’s no wonder I became terrified of the dentist.   But, after high school my smile was virtually perfect, at least for a while.

In 2010 I broke my jaw.  The bone split down the center between my bottom two front teeth.  There was no avoiding a traumatic jaw surgery.  After that surgery my teeth still looked pretty good.  In fact most people would have said I had a nice smile.  But, things were not good behind the scenes."

You can read the entire entry on TNA's official website

Adam Pearce Retirement Match

Former NWA Champion Adam Pearce will wrestle his retirement match on January 15th in Gardena, California. The Wrestling Cares Association released the news this week that Pearce will wrestle Adam Page in his farewell match at their 1/15/14 event.

Former WWE Diva Maria Kannelis will be hosting the event.You can find out more details including other scheduled matches at