Big Roman Reigns Royal Rumble Plans, Backstage Note on Seattle Raw Ending, Heat on CM Punk?

Roman Reigns royal rumbleSource: The Wrestling Observer

-It has been reported in the past that WWE has big plans for Roman Reigns in the 2014 Royal Rumble Match, and as of now, it's being said those plans are even bigger than anyone would have thought.

-When news of the Michelle Beadle/AJ Lee incident hit the internet this past Sunday, CM Punk decided to Tweet about hockey, and WWE officials were apparently upset with Punk for Tweeting about hockey instead of something TLC related.

-The final segment of the Raw taping in Seattle, which got rave reviews from most IWC fans, was reportedly nowhere near the way it was scripted to end. WWE officials expected Daniel Bryan to get a great pop in Seattle, but they didn't expect it to be as big as it was.

Officials subsequently praised John Cena for his ability to pick up on the way the crowd was reacting, then work Daniel Bryan into his promo since the crowd was deafeningly into him, but ultimately bring the crowd back to Cena and put the focus on his promo and his TLC match against Randy Orton.