WWE Smackdown Results (1/3) – Rhodes Brothers vs Wyatts, Punk/Usos vs The Shield

Aksana vs Nikki Bella

Aksana shoves Nikki a few times and gets met with some forearms, then she press slams Aksana and hits a suplex for two. Aksana throws Nikki into the ringpost and chokes her on the ropes, then she puts her in a hamerlock but Nikki throws her forward and hits a bulldog for two. Aksana whips her in the corner and hits her a few times, then she charges the corner but Nikki sidesteps her and hits a Torture Rack backbreaker for the win.

Winner – Nikki Bella

Big E Langston vs Curtis Axel

Axel hits Langston a few times but Langston tackles him in the corner, then he rams him with hits shoulder a few times and whips him across the ring. Axel kicks him in the face but Langston comes back with a shoulder tackle, then Axel pulls the ring apron to get away and he kicks Langston's knees. Axel elbows him on the apron and applies a front facelock, but Langston backdrops him and hits some clotheslines and a belly-to-belly suplex. Langston connects with a running splash, then he sets up a Big Ending but Axel elbows him in the face and gets his feet on the ropes. Axel runs back at him but Langston clotheslines him, then he connects with the Big Ending for the win.

Winner – Big E Langston

CM Punk & The Usos vs The Shield

Ambrose punches Punk in the corner, then Rollins tags in but Punk hits a shoulder block and a neckbreaker for a near fall. Jimmy and Jey hit Rollins and Jimmy dropkicks him, then Jey hits a thrust kick and clotheslines Rollins to the floor. Jey goes for a suicide dive but Reigns gets in his way, then we get back from a break to see Reigns clothesline Jimmy and throw him in the corner. Rollins taunts Jimmy and hits a senton for two, then Jimmy throws some elbows and whips him into the corner, but Ambrose prevents him from tagging out. Jimmy breaks out of a headlock with a jawbreaker, then he blocks a superplex attempt with some elbows before hitting a Reigns with a corkscrew dive. Punk finally gets the tag and hits a big boot and a side kick, then he drops Rollins with a neckbreaker and a clothesline before he heads up top.

Ambrose jumps up and distracts him, then Rollins knocks him down and heads up top, connecting with a crossbody but Punk rolls into the Anaconda Vise. Ambrose breaks it up but the Usos even things up, then Reigns runs in and hits a Superman punch before retaking his place on the apron. Ambrose gets the tag and he punches Punk in the corner, then he hits an underhook suplex from the middle turnbuckle for a near fall. Punk hits a high roundhouse kick and goes for a GTS, then Ambrose floats over and Reigns goes for a spear but Punk throws Ambrose towards Reigns. They prevent a collision but the Usos superkick Reigns and Rollins outside, hitting suicide dives in stereo right as Ambrose turns around and gets hit with a GTS and Punk makes the cover.

Winners – CM Punk & The Usos

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