Update On Jeff Jarrett Announcement, AJ Styles Still Negotiating With TNA, Opening To Impact Wrestling (Video)

Jeff Jarrett announcementJeff Jarrett Announcement Update

In another follow-up to the expected Jeff Jarrett announcement, F4WOnline is reporting that he might be holding off until a few things are finalized. It's believed that Jarrett will be announcing some sort of new wrestling promotion, plus a potential partnership with country music star Toby Keith. 

Former TNA wrestler Homicide recently posted on Facebook that he was aware of the Jarrett/Keith plans weeks ago, which, if true, would imply that this has been in the working before Jarrett resigned from TNA.

AJ Styles Still Talking With TNA

Multiple sources, including F4WOnline, have confirmed that AJ Styles is still negotiating with TNA. 

Impact Wrestling Opening

The following is the opening to this week's edition of Impact Wrestling. TNA released it early to promote the show. The video features the AJ Styles vs Magnus storyline and the ultimate title unification match they'll be having soon.