Tonight’s WWE Raw Preview: Undertaker Lesnar, Schwarzenegger to Appear, Scooby-Doo, Live Coverage & More

wwe raw previewTonight, WWE is broadcasting this week's edition of Raw from The Barclays Center in Brooklyn, NY. The following is being advertised:

-Both Undertaker and Brock Lesnar will appear, and the two will meet face-to-face.

-Arnold Schwarzenegger and his "Sabotage" co-star Joe Manganiello will make guest appearances.

-Scooby-Doo will be making a guest appearance to hype the upcoming movie.

-WWE has announced that Daniel Bryan will appear tonight, one week after beat down he received from Triple H.

-The advertised dark match main event for tonight is John Cena and Daniel Bryan vs Bray Wyatt and Kane.

As always, WZ will be presenting complete, LIVE coverage of Raw, beginning with the pre-show, at 7:30pm EST, so be sure to join us then!