TNA Impact Wrestling Results (3/27) – Joe vs EY, EC3 Looks For Willow, Storm vs Gunner

Bully Ray comes out with a bunch of fans carrying tables, and he says he got all the tables he could find, and he's glad Dixie Carter is gone. He says Bobby Roode should be glad he's not in charge, because wrestling doesn't need an owner like Roode, then he asks how many tables he will put him through. Roode cuts him off and says he's screwed his friends over and spit in people's faces, but Bully tells him to shut up and fight. Roode says he calls the shots, and Bully says the fans want it now, but Roode says no and tries to leave. Bully chases him and throws him into the steps, then they slug it out before Bully misses a kick to the head and breaks a table. They trade off on finisher attempts, both countering, then Roode sidesteps a spear and Bully crashes through a table before Roode leaves.

Mike Knox/Knux walks around looking at items from a flood, with a girl in booty shorts, talking about losing her moneymaker. They argue about him leaving town, then they agree that Knux needs to make things right with his dad before they continue.

BP: Not sure where it's going, but it's different, especially for a big guy like Knux, who also 'abused' his girl Kelly Kelly in WWECW. It was also funny when they were talking about her moneymaker, and had the camera squarely on her barely covered posterior. Just sayin'.

Angelina Love vs Madison Rayne

Madison rushes the ring and hits Angelina a few times before getting a near fall, then Angelina hits a jawbreaker and argues with Velvet outside. Madison fights back with some forearms and a Northern Lights suplex, then she dropkicks Angelina outside and they argue again. Madison punches Angelina a few times, but Velvet DDT's Madison on the floor and rolls her in so Angelina can make the cover.

Winner – Angelina Love

BP: I get the Beautiful People return, even if I didn't really care for an Angelina return, but it seems WAY too soon for the pair to turn heel. Velvet just got done with Sabin abusing her what, two weeks ago?