Another Detailed Report from WWE Live in Belfast, Northern Ireland (5/21)

Thanks to @WDSWWE for sending in another detailed live report from the WWE Live event in Belfast, Northern Island this week. 

WWE Live

May 21, 2013 – Belfast, Northern Ireland

I have seen WWE live many times now in Belfast but this is the most kids I have ever seen at a WWE event. The merchandise on sale was very disappointing as 10 shirts were on sale and 3 were John Cena shirts. I was happy to get the red Cesaro's shirt which may be considered outdated now since his new "King of Swing" shirt recently came out.

The show starts off with the WWE Live intro with the WrestleMania 30 theme song. Tony Chimel then welcomes us to the show.

Cesaro defeated Dolph Ziggler

The first match of the night was the best match of the night! A lot of awesome spots in this match, its very cool to see Cesaro's suplex from the apron and the Cesaro Swing in person. The crowd was definitely on Zigglers side for this match with Cesaro getting a lot of heat from the crowd. Cesaro won after doing the Cesaro Swing followed by the Neutralizer. 

Nikki & Brie Bella defeated Alicia Fox & Aksana

This was a typical Divas match really. The match started off with The Bella's having fun at Aksana's expense which included Nikki giving Aksana a wedgie and spanking. After this Alicia & Aksana were controlling the match with Nikki taking the beating. Eventually Brie got the hot tag and hit her finisher on Alicia Fox for the 1-2-3. After the Bellas finished celebrating (including Brie kissing the guy beside me as he was wearing a Bryan shirt while doing the "YES!" chant) and left Alicia stayed in the ring to a chorus of boo's.

Sami Zayn defeated Damien Sandow

Damien Sandow made his entrance twice after the crowd boo'ed him the first time and demanded the crowd to show him respect. Sandow was interupted by Sami Zayn's entrance. Its a shame but most of the crowd didn't seem to know who Sami Zayn was however during the match he did get some "Ole" chants going. Pretty good match with some comedy at the beginning about Sandows hair being pulled. After faking an injury and cheapshotting Zayn, Sandow went on to take control of the match until he got the microphone and said since he could not get a microphone in America he will just have to speak here but was rolled up by Zayn. Zayn hit the Ole kick for the win. 

Tag Team Championship Match

The Uso's defeated Luke Harper & Eric Rowan

The Wyatt Family (without Bray Wyatt) come out in silence with Harper whistling "He's Got The Whole World In His Hands" which was very creepy. A video package had aired earlier in the night with The Uso's encouraging us to do the Uso chant. A pretty slow match with the Wyatt Family dominating. Eventually The Uso's got the hot tag and did their usual comeback. The ending came whenever Rowan brought a chair into the ring to distract the ref which allowed Harper to get an Uso with the Tag Title belt for the 1-2-3. Most of the arena thought we had new Tag Team Champions until Finlay came out to a large pop and told the ref what happened. The Wyatt Family went charging at Finlay on the apron but he dropped the rope down, which led to Uso's diving to the outside and then hitting the splash off the top rope for the win. Finlay and The Uso's celebrated after.


As usual the merchandise stand was promoted and we were also told WWE will be returning to the Odyssey Arena on the 7th of November 2014.

R-Truth & Xavier Woods defeated Heath Slater & Drew McIntyre (w/Jinder Mahal)

A video package aired earlier in the night of Truth & Woods talking about how Truth has the "Whats Up" chant while Woods needs a chant. The beginning was a comedy match really until 3MB started to take control of Woods. Its ridiculous how many times Truth the "Whats Up" chant while Woods was getting dominated. Truth gets the hot tag and hits his finisher on Slater for the win.

United States Championship

Sheamus defeated Alberto Del Rio

Del Rio makes his entrance first to a full arena of boo's. While Sheamus got a huge reaction which was is no shock in Ireland. A pretty awesome match between the two with a lot of back and forth action. However during a quiet period in this match a huge "CM Punk" chant broke out for the first time of the night and would eventually brake out again during the match. After escaping the Arm Bar, Sheamus managed to hit the Brogue Kick on his 3rd attempt for the win. After the match some idiot threw his drink into the ring to try hit Sheamus but just missed. 

John Cena defeated Bray Wyatt (w/Harper & Rowan)

Cena comes out to the loudest pop of the night which resulted in Bray Wyatt cutting a promo saying he's leaving since we are cheering for a guy like John Cena. Cena then got the microphone and pretended to cheer Bray Wyatt to get him back in the ring, Cena then just told the ref to count Bray out. Bray then ran back into the ring once the ref reached 8. This match was very similar to their WrestleMania 30 match with the same spots happening. Cena hit the AA which Bray kicked out of and then Bray hit Sister Abigail which Cena kicked out of. The referee got knocked out which allowed Harper & Rowan to enter the ring with a steel chair. The Wyatt Family tried to hold Cena to allow Bray to hit him but Cena dodged it which cleared out Harper & Rowan and allowed Cena to hit the AA for the win. Cena then celebrated to end the show. Cena & The Wyatts seemed to be in a hurry to get of the arena. 

Overall it I didn't think it was great show. Quite a few slow matches with no stipulations for any of the matches which was disappointing since the other tour was getting 2 stipulation matches a night. At some points of the show the kids ruined parts of the show, people I was talking to who were stuck in a section filled with kids were moved to different seats for cheering for Cesaro too loudly. The security are far too relaxed whenever it comes to kids. Strange enough there were quite a few Adam Rose shirts in the crowd even though they were not on sale. A lot of fans in the arena on the way out were chanting Adam Rose's theme and doing the "YES!" chant which was quite cool.

Loudest Pop

1. John Cena

2. Sheamus

3. Finlay

4. Dolph Ziggler

5. The Bella Twins

Most Heat

1. Alberto Del Rio

2. Bray Wyatt

3. Cesaro

4. Damien Sandow

5. Harper & Rowan