Tonight’s WWE Raw Preview: Will Bryan Surrender the Title?, Payback Go-Home Show, Live WZ Coverage & More

wwe raw previewWWE is broadcasting this week's edition of Raw from The Thompson-Boling Arena in Knoxville, Tennessee. The following is being advertised for the show:

-Stephanie McMahon has demanded that Daniel Bryan appear on Raw tonight and surrender the WWE World Title.

-Randy Orton vs Dean Ambrose has been rumored for the show.

-The final hype for Payback takes place, as tonight's is the go-home edition of Raw.

The arena website is listing John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt in what could be the event's dark match main event, and the website is listing Daniel Bryan "returning to Raw," so it's expected Bryan will be on the show.

As always, WZ will be presenting complete, LIVE coverage of Raw beginning tonight at 7:30pm EST, so be sure to join us then!