WWE Smackdown Results (6/20) – Rollins, Ambrose Both In Action, Big Seven Man Handicap Match

WWE Smackdown

Smackdown Quick Results: Seth Rollins def Kofi Kingston – Dolph Ziggler def Bad News Barrett – Adam Rose def Titus O'Neil – Kane def Dean Ambrose – Big E def Jack Swagger – Bo Dallas def Fandango – Roman Reigns, Sheamus & John Cena def Randy Orton, Alberto Del Rio, Cesaro & Bray Wyatt — #wrestlezone

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WWE Smackdown Results

June 20th 2014

Report by Bill Pritchard for Wrestlezone.com

John Cena comes out and makes his case for winning Money In The Bank, then Alberto Del Rio and Sheamus follow him. Paul Heyman is next up with Cesaro, and Heyman talks about Brock Lesnar ending the streak before telling everyone Cesaro will achieve the same greatness. Roman Reigns comes through the crowd and says he has a hard time trusting people, but all that matters now is the title and no one is stopping him. Randy Orton says Reigns finally learned he can't trust anyone, and Orton is the face of WWE so Reigns isn't running through anyone. He says the titles will come home with him, then Reigns charges him on the floor and starts a brawl, ending with Cena standing alone in the ring.

BP: Typical promo for a multiman match like this or Royal Rumble. Everyone states their case and brawls, nothing to see here.

Kofi Kingston vs Seth Rollins

Kofi counters a backdrop and hits a dropkick, then Rollins kicks him in the stomach and whips him in the corner. Rollins dives at him but Kofi sidesteps him, with Rollins hitting the turnbuckles, and Kofi follows with a top rope crossbody for two. Kofi goes for Trouble In Paradise but Rollins ducks, and he hits Kofi a few times before hitting a turnbuckle powerbomb and Curb Stomp for the win.

Winner – Seth Rollins

Postmatch, Rollins guarantees victory at Money In The Bank, but Dean Ambrose cuts him off and tells him to watch his back. Ambrose says Rollins should be scared that any night could be the night he gets his hands on Rollins, but Rollins tells him to worry about Kane first. Ambrose says he will take care of Kane tonight, then he will take all of his focus and send Rollins back to hell with Kane himself.