Buff Bagwell Doing Porn, Spike TV Issues Brief Comment on TNA Negotiations

Buff Bagwell Doing Porn

Buff Bagwell Does PornTMZ has a new story up on former WCW and WWE Superstar Buff Bagwell, who recently met with Steve Hirsch, the owner of porn company Vivid Entertainment. According to the report, the two got together to work out a deal for an upcoming adult film, and Buff’s wife Judy Bagwell was also in the room. 

Spike TV Issues Comments on TNA

In a totally unrelated story – we hope – Spike TV did release a small statement to ProWrestling.net this afternoon, stating that negotiations with TNA Wrestling were still “ongoing”. TNA President Dixie Carter also said the same thing on Twitter today. 

At this point, until an official statement is made that Spike TV and TNA Wrestling are parting ways, you can consider the negotiations “ongoing”. But as we have already reported, and as TMZ and several other outlets are reporting, a deal is not likely to be reached for the future of Impact Wrestling. Things can always change, and we will update the situation when more information becomes available.