WWE RAW Results (8/11) – Final Words From Lesnar & Cena, Brie Arrested Following Stephanie’s Revelation, Hulk Hogan’s Birthday Party!

Rob Van Dam vs Seth Rollins

Rollins hits RVD a few times and sends him into the corner, but RVD takes him down and tries to head up top. Rollins rolls outside, so RVD suplexes him on the barricade and follows with a spinning legdrop attempt. Rollins dives away and RVD hits the barricade as we go to a break, then we get back to see RVD kick Rollins and follow with a clothesline. RVD hits Rolling Thunder for two, then he hits a thrust kick and connects with a split-legged moonsault for two, but Rollins comes back with a Curb Stomp for the win.

Rollins taunts the crowd on the stage, then he checks some of the presents, thinking Dean Ambrose is lurking, but smirks and goes to leave. Ambrose tears through the giant gift box and tackles him, then he beats him down on the way to the ring and chases him into the crowd. Ambrose says Rollins should run while he can, because he isn’t going anywhere on Sunday, and he will make sure he gets his money’s worth.

Winner – Seth Rollins

BP: Decent match, but Rollins’ suspicions were right with Ambrose’s whereabouts. Still, Ambrose leaping through the gift wrap was great, and he cut a good promo. On a rather odd note, they played some Divas music instead of Ambrose’s theme, and that sounded funny when Ambrose threw his mic and posed.

Stephanie McMahon comes out to announce she has a confession, and she talks about Daniel Bryan aggresively rehabbing to return to WWE to compete. She brings up his physical therapist and shows a picture, then says she’s here and has the therapist, Megan, enter the ring to speak. Megan says she knows Daniel and Brie, and they have gotten along and had dinner together, but her boyfriend left her and she can’t be Daniel’s therapist anymore. She implies she had a fling with Daniel, then Stephanie presses her and Megan flat out states she had an affair with him. Stephanie hugs her and consoles her, then Brie storms to the ring and demands answers, and Stephanie taunts her and says Daniel threw her away like trash. Stephanie says Megan called Brie a dead fish and bragged about sleeping with Daniel, then Brie tackles her and punches her in the face. Stephanie tries to get away but Brie puts her in the YES Lock, then she tries to make her tap before some agents finally run out and break them up. Stephanie screams at her and says this isn’t waiting until Summerslam, and they will finish this tonight!

BP: To borrow from Joey Styles: CATFIGHT! This started off slow, but really picked up steam when Brie came out and Stephanie egged her on. Brie slapped the trainer right before she took down Stephanie, and the crowd erupted when Brie applied the YES Lock.