Forbes Offers Reason Why SummerSlam Tickets Are Cheapest in 4 Years, Knockout Described as Having “No Business Being in the Ring”

Forbes Offers Reason Why SummerSlam Ticket Prices Are Cheaper

wwe summerslamTop financial site Forbes has posted a new article examining why this year’s WWE SummerSlam ticket prices are lower than usual, and have noted the average ticket price for this year’s event is $205.99. Last year, the average ticket price for the event was $213.71, while the average ticket price was around $250 in 2011 and 2012.

The site attributes the decline in ticket prices to WWE’s inability to create new stars, and says “at least one of the two participants in this year’s main event, John Cena and Brock Lesnar, have been in a singles match in the main event of each SummerSlam since 2011.”

Knockout Described as Having “No Business Being in the Ring”

As we previously reported, new TNA Knockout Rebel fractured her arm during a Battle Royal match taped at the last set of Impact Wrestling tapings in New York City.

Despite some formal training she received in OWV, the NYC Impact matches were Rebel’s first, and is reporting she was described “as being so green that she had no business being in the ring.”

Prior to the Battle Royal match, Rebel taped her first TNA match against Velvet Sky, and it’s being said that match will need to be heavily edited before it can air on TV.