Ric Flair Comments on Takeover 2 Tonight, HHH Conducting Twitter Q&A Today, Update on Hogan’s New Movie

Update on Hogan’s New Movie

WWE Studios will begin shooting the new movie “Celebrity Death Pool”, starring Ken Jeong and featuring an appearance by Hulk Hogan, next week.

According to PWInsider.com, the cameo for Hogan offers him some really great lines.

HHH Conducting Twitter Q&A Today

Triple H will be conducting a Q&A via Twitter this afternoon at 3pm EST. You can submit questions using the hashtag #NXTTakeover.

Ric Flair Comments on Takeover 2 Tonight

While has has yet to comment on not being able to appear on the show tonight, Ric Flair posted the following hyping his daughter Charlotte at NXT Takeover 2: