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R-Truth vs. Tyson Kidd

Truth actually got an entrance for the first time in…2014? Complete with “rap”. The crowd is pretty much dead after that last segment. Trust starts in control, hitting a few shoulder tackles and rolls to the floor, doing the weird hip thrust taunt. He starts to flirt with Natalya and Tyson runs to the outside, only to the get caught with a big right hand. They go to commercial with Kidd embarrassed on the floor while Truth is yelling his catchphrase in the ring. 

After the break, Tyson has somehow gained control and is brutalizing his opponent in the corner with a dozen kicks, shoulder thrusts and eventually a baseball slide to the face. They end up doing the spot where Tyson hides behind Natalya, R-Truth is afraid of running into her, and Kidd sneaks up from behind and hits the modified swinging neckbreaker for the win. 

Winner: Tyson Kidd