WWE To Run Injury Angle to Write Top Star Off TV?, Gail Kim Talks Taryn Terrell Feud, Career Highlight in TNA & More

WWE To Run Injury Angle to Write Top Star Off TV?

gail kimAs we have been reporting, WWE star Randy Orton will be starring in the sequel to “The Condemned,” which begins filming soon.

According to F4WOnline.com, WWE might be running an injury angle to write Orton off TV for awhile as he shoots the film, but he is expected to be back in time to participate in the Team Cena vs Team Authority match at Survivor Series.

Gail Kim Talks Taryn Terrell Feud, More

TNA Knockout Gail Kim recently did an interview with Liverpool Echo, and below are some interview highlights:

Her rivalry with Taryn Terrell:

“It was really, surprisingly pleasant to know fans enjoyed me and Taryn, regardless of whether there was a heel or babyface, I think people just love to watch us wrestle. And I’m excited to have another match with her some point down the road. But right now I’ve got to take care of Havok!”

Her career highlight in TNA:

“It’s hard but I think the two most dominating feuds from what the fans tell me are always Awesome Kong number one, and Taryn Terrell number two. I think they are so different in their own right so you can’t really compare, one was a David versus Goliath story, a very heel and babyface story, and with Taryn and me people have enjoyed it whether it was a heel versus a babyface or a babyface against a babyface, I think they just enjoy the physicality of our feud. So I don’t know, I hear all the time that fans want to see me and Taryn. I just want to be as good as I can be with any opponent I have and hear everyone say ‘that was her best match ever’. I just want everyone to remember me as a great wrestler, that’s what I aim to do.”

If there is anything left for her to accomplish:

“I’m always looking to top the last match, I’m always looking to entertain the fans and steal the show. Before I always thought that it was a case of opportunities, but I’m learning that it’s all in my control and I just want to keep on doing what I’m doing by giving my best. I’ve got a couple more magical matches left in me and hopefully at some stage, I guess the biggest honour would be going into the TNA Hall of Fame.”