Ryback Injury Angle Takes Place on Smackdown, Milestone Episode of SD! Tonight, Booker T Talks ROW (Video)

Ryback Injury Angle Takes Place on Live Smackdown

During tonight’s Super Smackdown live special, Rusev attacked Ryback prior to Ryback’s scheduled match against Seth Rollins which never took place.

Later in the show, Tom Phillips noted Ryback is being evaluated for concussion like symptoms and an update on his health will be provided later in the week.

Milestone Episode of SD! Tonight

The WWE announce team noted tonight’s Super Smackdown is the 800th edition of the show, making it the second longest episodic show in television history. The first of course is Raw.

Booker T Talks Reality of Wrestling

The following video features WWE Hall of Famer Booker T speaking after this past Saturday’s Reality of Wrestling event: