The Robbie EC3 Experience Episode 8: The Impact Wrestling Fantasy Draft Spectacular!

The Robbie EC3 ExperienceVegasFuel Energy Drink Experience @ RITE AID & GNC Nationwide and TNA IMPACT Wrestling on Destination America 9pm Fridays PRESENTS…

#RobbieEC3Experience @RobbieEC3EXP stars ROBBIE E @RobbieEImpact (Amazing Race Season 25 Finalist on CBS & TNA Impact Wrestling) & ETHAN CARTER III @EthanCarterTNA (TNA Impact Wrestling) and is hosted by VegasFuel Energy Drink Creative Director Jordan Michael Coulson @VegasFuelJMC
#RobbieEC3Experience Airs BI-WEEKLY Friday’s @ 12pm EASTERN TIME (NEW TIME AND DAY!)
on iTUNES, Podcast Republic & most Podcast APPS and
TODAY on the SHOW..
*Robbie E & EC3 draft TNA IMPACT Wrestling Fantasy Rosters!