Flashback: 2015 WWE Royal Rumble Results (1/25) – Lesnar Survives, The Rock Appears, Who Goes To Mania?

Royal Rumble Match 

Miz and R-Truth start out, and they trade a few stirkes before Miz hiptosses Truth on the apron and crotches him on the ropes. BUBBA RAY DUDLEY is entry 3, and he rushes in and clotheslines Miz a few times before backdropping him. Bubba jabs him a few times and elbows him, then he sets up WAZZUP and Truth connects from the top rope. Bubba says TRUTH! GET THE TABLES! and the crowd loses it, then Miz gets caught with a Dudley Death Drop by the two of them, and Miz gets tossed outside. Truth dropkicks Bubba before Luke Harper enters, then Bubba sends Truth outside before Bubba and Harper slug it out. Harper kicks Bubba in the face before Bubba clotheslines him, then he misses an elbow drop as Bray Wyatt enters and they attack Bubba together. Bubba gets sent outside as Curtis Axel makes his way out, but Erick Rowan attacks him on the ramp and runs in the ring. Rowan and Harper seem to align before Bray and Harper target Rowan, but Rowan splashes them both in the corner before Bray dumps them both over the ropes. Boogeyman is the next entry and he and Bray try to psyche each other out before Boogeyman charges and Bray sends him outside. Sin Cara runs in and Bray hits him coming off the ropes, then he hits Sister Abigail and throws Cara over the ropes before calling everyone out.

(Following technical difficulties…)DDP, Fandango and Stardust all come in and Bray and Rusev take care of them, then Daniel Bryan runs in and kicks them both a few times before Rusev backdrops Bryan on the apron. Bray tackles Bryan off the apron and eliminates him, then Goldust runs in and he dukes it out with Stardust before Kofi Kingston makes his way in. Kofi connects with a few dropkicks before Adam Rose enters, then Kofi gets thrown onto the Rosebuds and they send Kofi back onto the apron as Rose gets eliminated. Rusev ends up kicking Kofi off the apron, then Roman Reigns enters (to boos, btw) and he immediately gets attacked by Goldust and Stardust. Reigns hits Stardust with a Samoan drop before eliminating them both, then Reigns hits Rusev and Wyatt as Big E enters. E connects with a few strikes and tries to fight as Sandow makes his way out, but Miz says he is taking Sandow’s spot, and Miz gets knocked outside. Sandow runs in the ring and connects with some strikes, but Rusev throws him outside as Jack Swagger makes his way out. Swagger knocks Rusev down and hits a Swagger Bomb, then Bray comes in and hits Swagger before Rusev joins in. Ryback enters and immediately hits Rusev with a spinebuster, then he connects with a Meathook but Rusev holds the ropes so Ryback stomps him.

Kane enters the match and hits Ryback and Rusev, then Bray splashes Reigns and E tries to send Swagger outside. Dean Ambrose runs in and unloads on Bray, Rusev and Kane, then Titus O’Neil enters and immediately gets sent outside. Bad News Barrett enters and goes right after Armbrose, then everyone chooses a corner and tries for elimination before Cesaro enters the match. Cesaro unloads with several uppercuts before he tries to eliminate Ambrose, then Rusev kicks E in the face and dropkicks him to eliminate him. Big Show makes him way out and everyone gangs up on him, then Show gains some steam and chokeslams Reigns, then he assists Kane by eliminating Ryback before they send Swagger outside. Show and Kane trade off with chops to Cesaro, then Dolph Ziggler is the final entrant and he runs in and hits an immediate DDT. Wade gets tossed out before Cesaro catches Dolph with a swing, then they trade punches before Dolph superkicks Cesaro off the apron. Kane tries to shove Dolph back but Dolph snaps Kane’s head on the ropes, then he heads up top but Show knocks him out on the way down and he assists Kane with the elimination. Kane and Show assist with another elimination, then they chokeslam Reigns and taunt him but THE ROCK runs out and takes Show and Kane down before he connects with a People’s Elbow on Kane. Rusev runs in, who was still legal, and tries to eliminate Reigns, but Reigns spears him and tosses him outside to win. 

Winner – Roman Reigns 

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