Reaction To Seth Rollins Social Media Controversy & Role Social Media Plays Today

Just as Raw hit airwaves Monday night, Seth Rollins found himself trending worldwide. Unfortunately for “Mr. Money In The Bank”, his trend wasn’t the result of cashing in for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know where our conversation is heading. Let the games begin.

Justin LaBar, Josh Isenberg, Brian Gulish, and Samantha Daley discuss the controversy surrounding Rollins, NXT talent Zahra Schreiber, and the wonderful world of social media hacking and retaliation. The panel also points out the difficult situation for WWE officials, due to the incident stemming from a hacked account, rather than a talent posting against company guidelines at their own accord.

Gulish questions the endgame of Rollins’ fiancée, who joined in the fiasco by posting nude photos of Rollins to her personal Twitter account shortly after the Schreiber picture leaked. Many were questioning if Rollins would face disciplinary action, and LaBar discusses the difficulties of the situation due to the compromised account. Isenberg points out the ease of hacking with today’s technology, and Daley attempts to make a case for Rollins’ fiancée.

As far as what the cast thought about the pictures in question…there’s only one way to find out. Don’t miss this scandalous segment of Chair Shot Reality!

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