Were Michael Cole & Saxton in Japan For ‘Beast in the East’ Commentary? CM Punk Running in UFC 5K Next Weekend

Cole & Saxton in Japan?

beast in the eastAccording to a few different reports, Michael Cole and Byron Saxton were not live in Japan for this weekend’s ‘Beast in the East’ live special at Sumo Hall in Japan. Instead, the two did live commentary from WWE headquarters in Stamford, CT.

Given that only one of the shows were broadcast on the WWE Network and the rest were pure live events with no commentary necessary, it just didn’t make sense to fly them out for the tour, work one show, then fly them back before Cole heads up three hours of RAW on Monday. 

CM Punk in UFC 5K

CM Punk will be a participant in the UFC Ulti-Man 5K run this coming Saturday in Las Vegas. Punk will be just one of the many UFC stars in Vegas for International Fight Week, leading up to UFC 189 Mendes vs. McGregor this Saturday night.