Who Is The Most Wasted Talent In WWE?, Vince Russo On Issues He Has With What The IWC Says

Russo On IWC

Vince Russo’s latest blog talks about comments the IWC makes that bothers him:

Can you imagine for one second, if we went to work with these nimrods—that is if they have work—and started criticizing them on their day-to-day duties. Just started lambasting them, telling them how miserable, unqualified and unworthy they really were. I’ve often wondered, what actually goes though somebody’s mind when they sit down and start writing with the intent of just trashing another human being. I get it, they want that spot, it’s been their lifelong dream to  work for the WWE in some capacity, and despite the fact that they never achieved that goal because they just weren’t good enough, their rational in their feeble little minds is to tear down those who worked hard and sacrificed everything to make it.

The immaturity level is almost one that I can’t even comprehend. What person, of any worth whatsoever, just has the time to do that? My anger became unleashed this morning when I was reading the comments based on a Ric Flair interview where he spoke about his daughter Charlotte. The remarks made about this hard-working, deserving woman were just totally unacceptable to anyone who had even a shred of brain tissue in their head. The personal attacks, the insults, the slander, the defamation, and all for what—because they are jealous that Charlotte is there . . . and they are not. Add that to the fact that these idiots are nameless, and faceless and hide behind their computers like total cowards knowing that they will never have to face those they criticize.

This morning, some even went as far as to call Charlotte a “man”. Who is that funny to, your twelve year-old buddies who hang out in the clubhouse with you laughing and giggling over the weather-torn copy of Playboy you found in the woods months ago? It’s just sad, man, if that is your life . . . it’s just sad.

CLICK HERE for the rest of the blog.

Most Wasted WWE Talent

The social media Saturday topic for Chair Shot Reality is talking about who is the most wasted talent in WWE. Your comments from social media along with Justin and Josh debating.