WWE Live Event Results From Montreal (9/18): Champion vs. Champion, Kevin Owens Returns Home

wwe live eventThe following results are from last night’s WWE live event in Montreal.

1. Neville defeated Stardust with the Red Arrow. The crowd loved the finisher and Neville was over.

2. Team PCB defeated Team BAD. Natalya was the special guest referee. Charlotte hit Tamina Snuka with the Natural Selection.

3. Dolph Ziggler defeated Rusev. Ziggler played to the crowd, wearing a Montreal Canadians jersey.

4. The New Day defeated The Dudley Boyz and The Prime Time Players in a Triple Threat to retain the WWE Tag Team Championships.

5. WWE Intercontinental Champion Ryback defeated WWE World Heavyweight & United States Champion Seth Rollins by DQ when Rollins hit him with a steel chair. 

6. R-Truth defeated The Miz

7. Pat Patterson came out and introduced hometown star Kevin Owens. He would go on and defeat Cesaro in a really good match. He cut a promo and thanked everyone, including his wife and his son.

8. Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose defeated Luke Harper and Bray Wyatt